Kiama Community College - Business Directory
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Kiama Community College
Kiama Community College Ltd is a volunteer-managed, community-based adult education provider offering both accredited vocational training and non accredited leisure courses.
The organisation was established in 1986 and became a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in 1994. The College is known for the friendly, supportive and reassuring environment it provides to participants, its flexibility and high-quality training.
Kiama Community College Ltd is managed by a Board of Management whose membership is drawn from the community. The Board of Management employs a Chief Executive Officer, Program Managers and administrative staff.
We operate as an independent, non-for-profit company to provide high quality, adult education courses and activities to meet the expressed learning needs of the community. The primary communities we serve are Kiama & the Shoalhaven & Illawarra regions. The College focuses on delivering education and learning projects that meet the social, economic and cultural needs of these communities.
We have a range of courses to improve an inspire lifelong learning.