Date(s) - 30/10/2019
12:00 am - 1:00 pm
Our next Lunch N Learn is being held on Wednesday 30th October from 12pm – 1pm & is our very first WEBINAR. Shelley Flett is the author of The Dynamic Leader. Shelley is an expert in leadership & team performance and focusing on relationships, respect and results will ensure success as a new leader. She believes in becoming the leader others are inspired to follow and she will impart her knowledge and expertise from the comfort of wherever you are for lunch.
Why not get a group of collegues together at your workplace and all watch together.
You are also welcome to join us at SBC HQ to watch. Email Ali to secure your spot around the boardroom.
If you operate a small or large business, are looking to start up your own business, employed, self employed, a professional, an experienced executive or someone who has a great business idea, Shoalhaven Business Chamber is for you!
Shoalhaven Business Chamber Lunch N Learn is in partnership with Shoalhaven City Council