Latest News – Business guide to Coronavirus


A short time ago, the Premier and Treasurer announced a rescue package for NSW businesses impacted by the current lockdown.

This is well timed and aimed at helping businesses through the COVID lockdown, especially those heavily hit in the Shoalhaven.

For small businesses of 20 or fewer employees including sole traders, they’ll be eligible for grants of either $5000, $7000 or $10,000, depending on the nature of the loss in turnover they can demonstrate. A tourism or hospitality related business can claim the grants if its turnover is less than $10 million each year.

This will be one of the fastest and largest business support packages from any state in Australia in response to the pandemic.

Larger businesses haven’t been ignored either, with a number of State Government taxes and charges deferred, with payments due later in the year. In simple terms, non-Payroll Tax paying businesses who have suffered as a result of the lockdown can access a grant and have that in their account by mid to late July.

This package is based on what was used on the Northern Beaches following the shutdown over Christmas and takes into account feedback from the Small Business Commissioner, impacted businesses and local chambers of commerce.

Application for the grants will be via Service NSW and be available in coming days.

We will continue to keep you updated and please Stay safe everyone. And remember to support your small business community during this time.

If you need help please reach out to

Is your business prepared for a second COVID-19 wave? Stay up to date with the latest news and what this means for your business. To stay up to date with the latest Government relief and stimulus packages, click here.

10:52pm 17 September 2020 – Confirmed cases: There are now 29,656,504 confirmed cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide, with at least 26,779 confirmed cases in Australia. We monitor these numbers daily and update accordingly.

8:02am 7 September 2020 – Stage 4 restrictions will be extended for two weeks in metropolitan Melbourne and stage 3 restrictions will begin to ease in regional Victoria from September 14. Click here for more.

3:29pm 31 August 2020 – Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is set to unveil a COVID-19 road map our of lockdown. Click here for more.

12:57pm 28 August 2020 – Paid pandemic leave has been introduced to those who live in New South Wales and South Australia but work in Victoria. Click here for more.

3:10pm 7 August 2020 – Employers will gain easier access to the JobKeeper wage subsidy from the end of September to deal with the economic damage from sweeping Victorian shutdowns. Click here for more.

12:37pm 6 August 2020 – Stage 4 coronavirus restrictions in Melbourne could cost the economy $9 billion says Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Click here for more.

9:13am 4 August 2020 – Paid pandemic leave has been introduced in Victoria: The Federal Government will introduce a $1,500 payment for workers who are required to self-isolate because of COVID-19 but do not have leave entitlements. Click here for more.

The Federal Government recently announced an extension of the JobKeeper wage subsidy until March 2021. The current scheme will remain in place until September and then extended for a further six months at a lower rate.

The new-look scheme will operate through a two-tiered approach, with a lower rate for casuals and part-time workers. Payment will be closely aligned to the hours worked by employees receiving the payment.


The JobKeeper payment will be reduced to $1,200 from $1,500 per fortnight for full-time employees. Part-time employees (working under 20 hours per week) will receive $750 per fortnight.

For the March quarter (January to March 2021), the payments will be reduced again to $1,000 per fortnight for full-time employees and $650 per fortnight for part-time employees.


Eligibility will remain the same in the revised program, however, businesses will be reassessed with a turnover test in October, and then again in January 2021 to ensure the wage subsidy is still required.

Eligible employers are businesses (including companies, partnerships, trusts, sole traders), not for profits and charities:

  • with a turnover of less than $1 billion whose turnover has fallen by more than 30%, or
  • with a turnover of $1 billion or more whose turnover has fallen by more than 50%

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said of the updated subsidy: “We are starting to lower the payment from the end of September onwards as part of an effort to wean the economy, wean business off this sort of support.”

11:49am 21 July 2020 – The JobKeeper wage subsidy will be reduced to $1,200 per fortnight for full-time employees and $750 per fortnight for part-time employees from October. Click here for more details.

10:44am 21 July 2020 – The JobKeeper wage subsidy will be extended until March 2021, however the Federal Government has confirmed the value of the payment from the first week of October 2020. Click here for more.

10:01am 20 July 2020 – Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has announced an extension of the Coronavirus SME Guarantee Scheme: The next phase will help businesses move out of hibernation, successfully adapt to the new COVID-safe economy and invest for the future. Click here for more.

8:20am 20 July 2020 – Confirmed cases: There are now 14,360,451 confirmed cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide, with at least 11,802confirmed cases in Australia. We monitor these numbers daily and update accordingly.

11:23 16 July 2020 – Billion dollar JobTrainer program announced: The Federal Government has unveiled a new program for school leavers struggling to find work amid coronavirus pandemic. Click here for more.

9:00am 13 July 2020 – JobKeeper end confirmed for September: Finance Minister Mathias Cormann confirms JobKeeper payment will end in September 2020. Further support will be based on “assessed need”. Click here for more.

8:33am 21 May 2020 – Federal court on top of casual double-dipping: The Full Federal Court has today reconfirmed that casual employees working regular and systematic hours with “predictable periods of working time” are likely to be considered permanent employees, regardless of what their contract says and regardless of the payment of casual loading.

1:16pm 8 May 2020 – Restaurants, cafes allowed to reopen under the first stage of eased coronavirus restrictions: Timings of changes will be up to the individual states and territories.

4:26pm 5 May 2020 – COVID-19 planning toolkit: A toolkit has been developed to help businesses in each industry to prepare and plan for a return to work. Also further easing of restriction is expected to be announced Friday, the decision will be made state by state.

10:01am 27 April 2020 – JobKeeper enrolment has been extended: The Commissioner has extended the enrolment for JobKeeper from 30 April 2020 to 31 May 2020.

5:48pm 23 April 2020 – Retailers have been granted authorisation by the Australian Competition & Consumer Commissionto collectively negotiate with landlords about rent relief during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more

5:42pm 21 April 2020 – Australian Bureau of Statistics: Accommodation and food services (-25.6%), arts and recreation (-18.7%) and mining (-8.4%) lead the way on job losses. Unsurprisingly, accommodation and food services, and arts and recreation services also lead the way on pay cuts – down 30.1% and 15.7% respectively.

7:33am 9 April 2020  The Federal Government has changed the Fair Work Act for employers and employees who have accessed the JobKeeper wage subsidy. Read more.

4:43pm 8 April 2020 – NT Government announces $180 million Coronavirus rescue package. Read more.

5:40pm 7 April 2020 – Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced new rental waivers and deferrals for commercial tents hit by the impact of the Coronavirus crisis. Click here to read more.

12:03pm 7 April 2020 – The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is introducing a new method which will allow people to claim 80 cents per hour for all their running expenses, rather than needing to calculate costs for specific running expenses. Click herefor more.

2:20pm 3 April 2020 – Prime Minister Scott Morrison has foreshadowed a mandatory Coronavirus industry code of practice would be imposed on commercial and retail tenants. For further details, click here.

1:31pm 2 April 2020 – Proposed pandemic leave: The Fair Work Commission has issued a statement outlining its intention to update 103 awards during the coronavirus pandemic. Read more at Award flexibility during coronavirus.

1:20pm 2 April 2020 – Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced free child care will available for parents who still need it. Read more.

2:35pm 1 April 2020 – Australia Government announced measures to help secure freight access for Australian exporters: A new $110 million initiative will back Australia’s agricultural and fisheries sector, as well as increased funding for the Export Market Development Grant. Read more.

4:13pm 30 March 2020 – Government unveils Coronavirus wage subsidy for businesses workers: Businesses are expected to be paid a wage subsidy of $1,500 per employee, under the Federal Government Jobkeeper payment plan to keep Australians in work. Click here for more.


9:00am 14 July 2020 – From 17 July 2020, it will be compulsory for pubs to register as a COVIDSafe Business, reduce the number of people per booking and have a dedicated COVIDSafe Hygiene Marshall monitoring social distancing. Click here for more.

7:38pm 13 July 2020 – NSW Government reintroduces tougher restrictions for pubs following a new COVID-19 outbreak. Click here for more.

5:31pm 20 May 2020 – From 1 June there will be no travel restrictions within NSW.

2:18pm 16 April 2020 – NSW Government $10,000 grant for NSW businesses is now available. Click here to apply via Service NSW.

5:27pm 13 April 2020 – NSW Government has announced $440 million in relief for renters and landlords affected by Government-enforced Coronavirus restrictions. Click here for more.

9:02am 3 April 2020 – $10,000 grants to provide real and rapid relief to NSW small business. Click here.

8:04am 1 April 2020 – Locals to fill the medical supply chain: The NSW Government is calling on manufacturers around the State to help fill gaps in the global supply of medical equipment and hygiene products. Read more.

7:14am 30 March 2020 – NSW Government to start enforcing tougher Coronavirus restrictions: The introduction of legislation to reduce spread will come into place from midnight today. Read more.

5:15am 27 March 2020 – NSW Government to unveil $750 million stimulus package: The package is aimed at retaining and creating jobs as well as sustaining NSW businesses. Click here for further details.


1:22pm 20 July 2020 – Facemasks have been mandated in Melbourne workplaces. Exceptions do apply. Click here for more.

1:39pm 14 July 2020 – Victoria records 270 new cases amid fears for aged care facilities. Click here for more.

10:22am 1 April 2020 – VIC Government announced a $1.3 billion funding boost for the state’s health system: The additional funding will ensure Victoria has the resources and capacity to treat thousands. Further details here.

8:59am 30 March 2020 – Victoria moves to stage three Coronavirus restrictions: Victorians face on-the-spot fines of more than $1,600 if they breach Coronavirus restrictions that limit gatherings to just two people. Click here for further details.


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