It was an absolute pleasure chatting to Brendan Goddard from Macey Insurance Brokers concerning their passion and involvement within our local business community. Brendan and his team inspired us with their thoughts on the significance of cultivating a connected community and their long term dedication and appreciation for the Awards. Macey’s have perfectly exemplified the symbiotic relationship between the Awards and creating and sustaining a connected and profitable region.
Our theme this year is Connect, Communicating & Collaborating to create meaningful relationships for a sustainable, vibrant & profitable business community. How does your business work to connect the Shoalhaven Community?
Our business has so many layers of community connections. Firstly, our fundamental business purpose is protecting the assets of the community through correct and adequate insurance programmes.
Insurance is one of the reasons that commerce can exist and without it businesses cannot take risks to succeeded and grow without fear. Communities cannot prosper without insurance nor can they survive in the event of disaster without insurance protection.
Macey Insurance Brokers also prides itself on giving back to the community that has supported us and seen us grow over the past 40 years. Our financial support as major sponsors and strong connections with many community events ensures the Shoalhaven community is connected and vibrant. We continue to support events such as:
- Shoalhaven River Festival
- Noahs Challenge
- SBC Charity Golf Day
- The Shoalhaven Business Awards
- South Coast Youth Leadership Forum
- Shoalhaven Winter Wine Festival
- Cancer Council Pink Ribbon
- Variety Children’s Charity
And most recently, the Shoalhaven City Turf Club Drought Relief fundraiser.
Without financial support these events would not proceed, and we are proud to be in a position to financially support these events and make our contribution to a connected community.
How does your business differ from its competitors?
Firstly, none of our competitors in this region give back to the community the way we do and we are proud of that.
However, our main point of difference at Macey Insurance Brokers is all about great customer service. At Macey we strive to offer the best customer experience in insurance – from first meeting right through to making claims. Our personalized and professional service saves our customers time and money so they can get on with running their business.
What are your business’ core values and how do you uphold these?
At Macey we have 4 value pillars which hold up our business brand.
Community Focus: We believe in supporting and being a part of the local communities we are in.
Empathy: We will always strive to understand and support our staff and client’s
individual needs.
Reliability: We aim to always deliver on what we say we will do. Staff, suppliers and clients
can trust in the integrity of what is promised.
Expertise: We pride ourselves on the knowledge and expertise of our staff, staying up
to date with industry trends and constantly reviewing, evolving and sharing that knowledge
is essential.
What value do you think the Business Awards brings to the region?
I believe the Awards are an excellent way to showcase how good our region is for business and to demonstrate the quality of businesses operating in our area.
If winners and finalists utilise their achievements in their marketing and promotion it really allows them to shine brightly across their chosen business sector and also puts a quality spot light on our region.
When the winners move on to the next round of the awards and right through to the NSW State Awards they are then representing our region on a bigger stage and highlighting our region as a great place to do business.
Why do you believe it is important for people to enter the Awards?
Entering the Awards is more about the journey rather than the destination of winning or losing. The application and interview process really makes you analyse what it is your business is good at, how you have been tracking and where you are headed. Good businesses will do this as a matter of course however, the Awards really allow any type of business the opportunity to embark on this journey. The process also enables external eyes to review your business and provide feedback and ask questions which can provoke new thoughts.
Most business owners are passionate about their business and the Awards process really gives them an opportunity to share their passion and express their love for what they do. If you are fortunate enough to win your category, then this really is the icing on the cake and allows you to move forward with confidence and promote your success and be proud that others recognise you as a leader in your field.
Why is it important to support & sponsor these awards?
As a sponsor we do get great brand profile and brand awareness throughout the process, however, the main driver for our investment is about giving back to the business community and financially supporting such a great event.
Macey Insurance Brokers have supported the Business Awards as a sponsor for over 25 years now. As eluded to earlier, events of this magnitude would not exist without the support of sponsors. I was fortunate to be President of the SBC for 2 years and saw firsthand how expensive it is to bring the Awards program to life. Business support through financial sponsorship is critical to its future success.
Anything other relevant information you would like to say
One behalf of the entire team at Macey Insurance Brokers, we congratulate all of the finalists for making it this far and wish them the best of luck on night.
Your passion and enthusiasm for both the Awards and the Shoalhaven is truly appreciated, Macey’s! As is your generosity and support in sponsoring the Business Awards. Thanks again! We look forward to celebrating with you.