Great opportunity for people looking for jobs in Nowra and the Shoalhaven region
The Shoalhaven Business Chamber, Everyday Care South and Konect Employment are proud to be sponsoring a unique workshop event that will benefit jobseekers and people looking to secure jobs in Nowra and the shoalhaven region.
The free workshop: What Employers Are looking for is set to take place at the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre on the 13th of November.
Funded by the Australian Government’s Regional Employment Trials, the workshop will focus on developing the skills needed to secure jobs in Nowra and the shoalhaven region while raising talking points about what employers are actually looking for during the interview and hiring process.
The program
The day will commence with lunch and registration, where participants will get to meet each-other and network amongst themselves.
After lunch will be a panel discussion with some of the region’s largest employers to highlight what employers are looking for in new employees and open the floor up for any questions.
Following the panel discussion will be a series of focused breakout sessions provided by local experts in their field, designed to teach valuable skills and techniques that should be utilised when job seeking. These sessions include:
How to write a cover letter & Cv – With Anna Finch
Developing Goals & Vision Boards – With Wendy Woodward
Personal Presentation – With Emma Wright
A mini jobs expo for the participants to explore employment options and career paths will be setup after the breakout sessions and afternoon tea will be provided.
Get Involved
Local employers and professionals are encouraged to get involved by helping the next wave of local jobseekers find jobs in Nowra and the shoalhaven region.
We are currently seeking clothing donations of corporate and interview clothing. You can get involved by organising a clothing donation within your workplace. If you or your team members have any spare work clothes which they no longer wear, please collect them all and get in touch with Jemma to organise dropoff/collection.
Employers are encouraged to get involved by attending the event on the day.
For more information or to book your Free ticket, please visit