The Shoalhaven City Council continue to offer a vast amount of support for the Shoalhaven Business Awards year after year. This year, we can proudly announce their sponsorship of both the Business of the Year and Excellence in Social Responsibility categories. As you can see below, our local council is very active within and passionate about our business community. Keep reading to better understand their relationship with local business, economy and the Awards.
Our theme this year is Connect, communicating & Collaborating to create meaningful relationships for a sustainable, vibrant & profitable business community. How does your business work to connect the Shoalhaven Community?
Shoalhaven City Council has a long history of supporting our business community. Council established the Economic Development Office 40 years ago to support economic advancement of the Shoalhaven. The Economic Development Office believes that connecting, communicating and collaborating are key to a strong and vibrant economy. The Economic Development Office sponsors a number of business networks including the Shoalhaven Business Chamber, the Shoalhaven Professional Business Association, the Shoalhaven Defence Industry Group and Blue BioTech Shoalhaven; to name a few. Many businesses have thrived through making connections and collaboration. The Shoalhaven City Council sponsorship of the 2018 Shoalhaven Business Awards is our chance to help communicate the amazing achievements of our local businesses and business community.
How does your business differ from its competitors?
The Shoalhaven economy has a gross regional product of $5.75 billion. Shoalhaven City Council endeavours to foster and grow this economy and relies on the local business community to lead the way and establish growth and create employment. Our community and businesses have a strong sense of community, a desire to help one another and are friendly, welcoming and caring.
Council employs approximately 1100 staff. Our staff live in the area and are part of the community and strive to provide the best customer service as possible. We would like to think that we are very similar to many businesses in the Shoalhaven who deliver exemplary customer service.
What are your business’ core values and how do you uphold these?
Council’s Vision states that, “We will work together in the Shoalhaven to foster a safe and attractive community for people to live, work, stay and play; where sustainable growth, development and environmental protection are managed to provide a unique and relaxed lifestyle.” Council’s values and subsequent work are ultimately guided by the community and is stated in our Community Strategic Plan. Our values are woven throughout the entire organisation – from our Councillors through to staff and reflect what the community want.
What value do you think the Business Awards brings to the region?
The Shoalhaven Business Awards are a chance to recognise the achievements of nominated businesses and business leaders. It is a chance to celebrate a strong economy built on the efforts of numerous entrepreneurs. The Awards are also an opportunity to make a strong community stronger through creating an event that increases pride within the Shoalhaven.
Why do you believe it is important for people to enter the Awards?
Entering the awards is a chance to showcase your business and achievements; and be part of a community celebration. The Awards recognises the contribution our local businesses have made to our area, highlight their successes and show that they are proudly Shoalhaven.
Why is it important to support & sponsor these awards?
It is important for Shoalhaven City Council to sponsor and support these awards because they are an annual event that recognises the effort of our local business community – the backbone of our economy. Our local businesses are not only enterprising and innovative; they also shape our community in any number of ways. Supporting and training their employees to do their best, sponsoring sporting teams, mentoring and advising other business people, giving to charities and even running charity events, contributing to government policy making … are just a few ways in which businesses shape our community. The awards are an opportunity to showcase local businesses and their contribution to the Shoalhaven – socially and economically.
Thank you for the inspiring words, Shoalhaven City Council. And as always, thank you for your generosity and support.
Stay tuned for our next sponsor introduction!