Keeping the business community connected
Your committee has been extremely busy and in this month’s newsletter is once again jam packed with information:
- Federal Budget & our Post Budget Luncheon
- The Defence Reserve Support Executive Exercise Stretch Program
- Shoalhaven Women in Business
- The Nowra CBD
- 2016 SBC Business Awards
- Community Events and Fundraisers
The Budget in general had no big surprises as you would expect from a pre-election budget however, small business is the clear focus of the Turnbull government with incentives to invest, grow and employ.
In particular, I feel the Shoalhaven business community will benefit strongly from this budget as the majority of employers, outside of public sector, will now fit within the new Small Business definition of up to $10 million revenue.
This change will open up additional incentives for more businesses in our region. It will reduce red tape in areas such as PAYG calculation methods, BAS requirements & GST instalments, simplified depreciation rules, as well as the ability to write off assets up to $20,000 in the first year. An overall rate reduction from 30% to 27.5% for these new entrants would also be welcome by any business owner.
The SBC Post Budget Luncheon will be held this Friday 13th May with guest speaker Martin Lako from Macquarie bank providing an overall economic summary.
Last month has seen me attend a number of important events and meetings which have enabled me to promote the Shoalhaven and its business needs. The Hon. Gareth Ward MP invited me to attend a Round Table discussion with the NSW State Treasurer The Hon. Gladys Berejikian MP. At this meeting with the Treasurer, I was able to raise funding requirements for the Shoalhaven River crossing, the importance of the Arts and Tourism in the area and more specifically the Bundanon Riversdale funding request.
Our regular meetings with the Mayor and Shoalhaven City Council, provides the Chamber with a regular opportunity to raise issues and obtain updates on things such as Woolworths Bomaderry, Egans Lane Developments, Council Merger, River Crossing, Huskisson Foreshore, South Nowra Truck Stop, training and other developments effecting business.
The Chamber’s relationship with Council is very strong so this enables us to get the business community messages to the right people, in order to encourage economic growth in the region.
I was recently invited to attend the Defence Reservist Executive Exercise Stretch program at HMAS Creswell and HMAS Albatross. This two-day event was aimed at giving local business leaders the insight into what it is like to be a Royal Australian Navy Reservist. The program is designed to encourage business owners to allow staff to be part of the Reserves.
Our new focus on training and information has been a big winner this year with most of our events being at full capacity. We have a busy schedule throughout the year and really have something for everyone. A new Business Master Class program on Productivity is being released this month, be sure to secure your place.
Once again things are ramping up for the SBC Business Awards with the launch of the 2016 Awards fast approaching. If you are considering entering this year, please keep your eyes peeled for our media release of the launch.
Kind Regards,
Brendan Goddard
Memorandum of Understanding
SBC is excited to announce that the Memorandum of Understanding with Shoalhaven City Council has been approved. SBC would like to thank Council for its continued support and looks forward to working together over the next three years. At our last meeting with Council the SBC raised a number of issues including the East Nowra sub arterial road and the North Nowra link road.
We also discussed the status of the new bridge, however Council indicated they are still waiting to be updated from the RMS. There has however been a Princes Highway corridor study released from the RMS which includes the Nowra bridge. SBC are in the process of reviewing the document for the purpose of making submissions to both the State and Federal government.
We asked Council whether they had any news on the proposed merger with Kiama, however no update was available. Given that Kiama had their merger election on the 7 May 2016, we expect any announcement to be after this time.
In relation to Egans Lane, Council advised that the land is open once again for interest as the previous developer had pulled out. Council are waiting to see what ideas come to the table before they can consider what Council is prepared to offer to any potential developer.
In relation to rates, Council have announced a rate reduction for commercial properties in the Nowra CBD after adopting the recommendations from the KPMG external report. The Chamber has been working hard to lobby Council over the past number of years in relation to CBD rates, so we consider this to be a real win for businesses in the CBD.
Women in Business Networking Launch
The Chamber launched the inaugural Women in Business Networking Circle on Friday the 15th April 2016 at the Nowra Golf Club. We had an overwhelming response from women in the Shoalhaven with over 90 attendees.
We were very privileged to have Karen Anstiss from Slice of Life Australia share her journey as a business woman in the Shoalhaven. Karen is a truly inspirational person and it was wonderful to be able to share our launch with her. The sub-committee is meeting this week to organise our next event. Anyone who was not able to attend the launch and wants to be updated on our next event should contact Jeni Vine at the Chamber office.
This month we have a full schedule ahead, with training and seminars covering several of the key topics our members highlighted in our last member survey. From Tax to Performance Management, there is something available for everyone; even a few drinks at Business After Hours.
Our recent member survey highlighted Taxation as one of the top priorities you want to learn more about, so we are pleased to invite business owners, operators and staff to attend this month’s Lunch and Learn series event on Tax.
Breakfast Bites – Employee Performance
Dead wood or diamonds in the rough. Which will it be?
When: Thursday 12th May
Venue: Bomaderry Bowling Club
Time: 07:00-09:00
Cost & RSVP: Click Here
Post Federal Budget Lunch
Join us for a two-course lunch and hear the experts demystify the Federal Budget.
Macey Insurance Brokers and SV Partners are hosting with guest speaker Martin Lakos of Macquarie Bank providing insights on the issues facing our economy.
When: Friday 13th May
Venue: Sunrise Room, Bomaderry Bowling Club,
Time: 12 noon
Cost: $55 members, $66 non-members. Table of 8 with naming rights $440.
RSVP: Tuesday 10th May
To confirm your seats contact Jeni at the Chamber office on 02 4423 3582 or
View Event
Lunch and Learn – Taxation
Risks, pitfalls, hints and tips—what you can’t delegate to your accountant
Join us for a sandwich lunch, great business networking and an informative discussion on the services and benefits available from your business chamber network—including the free stuff!
This is your opportunity to draw on the combined knowledge of sponsors TAFE Illawarra Business and Education Faculty as well as Shoalhaven City Council and will be hosted by Financial Dynamics
Date: Thursday 26th May 2016
Time: 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm
Venue: Financial Dynamics, 1/59 Junction St, Nowra
Cost: FREE limited to 2 people per business
RSVP: by 2pm Tuesday 24 May 2016,
Contact Jeni at the Chamber office on 4423 3582 or to RSVP.
Please advise any dietary requirements at time of booking.
View EventBusiness Master Class – Productivity
This Productivity Master Class will provide you with helpful strategies to increase your productivity and show you how to develop a zen-like calm whist maintaining a ninja like approach to productivity.
The Shoalhaven Business Chamber, supported by Shoalhaven City Council presents Business Masterclass delivered by Sue Brodie. Employees, Managers and Leaders at all levels in a business who seek to maximise their performance should attend this series which will give you the skills to become a stronger leader and assist employees to add greater value to the business and their personal lives.
WHERE: Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre, Mezzanine Conference Room.
COST: $100 members, $180 non-members for all 4 workshops or $30 members, $60 non-members per workshop – Includes light breakfast.
Tuesday, 24th May – 8am – 10am
We all have them. Some of them support us and some of them bring us down. The easiest way to achieve productivity goals is to build “tiny habits.” These are small, easy-to-do actions that bring long-term changes in your behaviour.
In this workshop you’ll discover:
- How to Identify What’s Really Important To You
- How to Set Productivity Habits
- How to Create Routines that Work
- Simple Actions that Make New Habits Easy to Accomplish
[acc_item title=”WORKSHOP 2 TIME BANDITS”]
Tuesday, 31st May – 8am – 10am
The problem of not having enough time is as old as time itself – and so are most of the proposed cures. In this workshop you will learn effective strategies to beat those TIME BANDITS and turn unproductive days into productive days.
Discover how to:
- Put First Things First by using our Magical Time Management Matrix
- Get Rid of Time Bandits
- Use Tiny Time investments that deliver Massive Returns
- Beat Procrastination
[acc_item title=”WORKSHOP 3 HARNESS YOUR FOCUS”]
Thursday, 16th June – 8am – 10am
We’ve all had those mornings. You get to the office early with the best intentions in mind. There’s a huge project on your to-do list and the deadline is looming. But instead of sticking to the plan and getting an early start, everything but work captures your attention.
In this workshop you’ll discover:
- How To Manage Idea Hopping
- How to Defeat Distraction
- How to Achieve FOCUS 3 Words at a Time
- How To Make Friends With Structure
[acc_item title=”WORKSHOP 4 DELEGATE OR DROWN”]
Tuesday, 28th June – 8am – 10am
Even “Super You” needs help and support. Good delegation saves you time and develops your people. Poor delegation will cause you frustration, confusion and demotivates as well as failing to achieve the task or purpose itself.
In this workshop you’ll discover:
- Why You Should Delegate
- The 9 Steps of Successful Delegation
- How To Decide Whether a Task is Suitable For Delegation
- Learn To Say No and Be Loved for It
Employees, Managers and Leaders at all levels in a business who seek to maximise their performance,become stronger leaders and employees and add more value to the business and their personal lives.
BOOK NOW Limited to seats
Call Jeni on 4423 3582 or
June Business After Hours
Join fellow members for a night of networking at the June Business After Hours sponsored by NowChem
When: Wednesday 15th June
Time: 17.30pm to 19.30pm
Cost: Free to members,
RSVP: Friday 10th June
Contact Jeni at the Chamber office on 02 4423 3582 or
SBC 2016 Business Awards
The Awards will be launched this Thursday with a small morning tea for sponsors and the media. A huge thank you to all our sponsors who have shown their support for the Awards, we have several on board already.
If you are interested in sponsoring the Awards and would like to receive a sponsorship proposal, please contact Miranda Packer on 0418885550 or
From Thursday, you can log into the portal and start working on your Awards entry. There are 16 categories available to enter this year, and a total of 19 Awards to be presented on the night. Read more about this here.
Awards communication
From this week you will receive regular communication about the Awards via the website, Facebook page and newsletter. We’ve already put lots of information onto the website, visit,au/awards to read more about categories, workshops, how to enter and lots more.
Thanks to University of Wollongong Shoalhaven, our Awards Workshop Sponsor, we will be running two Awards entry workshops/information sessions. The purpose of the workshops is to equip entrants with the education, tools and support required to produce an outstanding award entry.
The workshops will be held on Monday 23 May at 8.30am and Thursday 2 June at 12.00pm. Read more about the workshops here.
You must register to attend the workshops. To register, email Jeni or call 4423 3582.
Community News
Noah’s Challenge Sunday 15th May
There’s still time to register at
This annual charity race includes a running, mountain bike and canoeing leg on and around the stunning setting of Noah’s at University of Wollongong’s Shoalhaven Campus.
Noah’s Shoalhaven is a non-for-profit children’s charity, a centre for excellence in early childhood inclusion services, providing care and cultural services for children and families where the child has a disability, developmental delay or challenging behaviour.
The event includes family-friendly activities and entertainment at the start and finish line. What’s more, this year’s ambassadors of the challenge are locals Dr Anthony Bennett and Dr James Carroll from Lifestyle Channel’s ‘Village Vets Australia’.
Lauren Beaufils to #Represent Shoalhaven at International Youth Leaders Assembly.
Shoalhaven Young Professional Lauren Beaufils, has been selected to represent the Shoalhaven, by attending the International Young Leaders Assembly (IYLA) in the US this August.
The IYLA leadership development initiative empowers promising young leaders to positively impact communities, nations and the world. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will enable Lauren to be a voice for the Shoalhaven’s youth at the UN in New York and at the US Congress, Washington DC.
The IYLA hosts student leaders and young professionals for interactive programs with globally significant leaders and institutions acquiring first-hand experience in leadership, join a lasting global network and build a platform to tackle current critical issues.
The Chamber recognises the importance of nurturing our young business talent in the Shoalhaven and the next generation of change agents who can help drive positive change to our region.
Consequently the Committee voted to help facilitate Lauren’s trip and representation of both the Shoalhaven and Australia by donating financial and in-kind support. Donations can be made at
Regional Executives get a taste of life as a Navy Reservist
A group of Shoalhaven and Canberra executives including our very own SBC President Brendan Goddard, recently traded their corporate wardrobe for Navy uniform to experience life as Reservists.
They participated in Exercise Executive Stretch, one of the employer engagement activities organised by the Defence Reserves Support Council (DRSC) ACT and SE NSW. Exercise Executive Stretch is a program of the Defence’s Cadet, Reserve and Employer Support Division (CRESD).
Exercise Executive Stretch was held over two days at HMAS Albatross and HMAS Creswell. Participants included civilian senior level managers from Wollongong University, Shoalhaven City Council, New South Wales Department of Industry, Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Shoalhaven Business Chamber and the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions.
The executives were joined by Commander of the Fleet Air Arm, CDRE Chris Smallhorn, Director General of Australian Navy Cadets and Reserves, CDRE Bruce Kafer and Chairman of the DRSC ACT and SE NSW, Mr Philip Moss.
CDRE Smallhorn highlighted the important role Reservists play in Defence capability. He pointed out many of Australia’s first recruits in World War I came from Reserve ranks and without the support of employers, many of today’s 7,000 Navy Reservists would not be able to meet their service requirements.
The executives participated in training and were given a hands-on experience of some of the military activities and skills that their Reservist employees undertake and acquire when in Defence.
Among their experience was testing their leadership and team building skills, a tour of the minehunter HMAS Diamantina and inspection of Navy helicopter squadrons. They also participated in simulation exercises including the Naval Aviation Sea Survival Centre.
April New Members
We would like to welcome Armitage Security, Shoalhaven Family Chiropractic Centre and Flowers on the Mill as new Chamber members.
Armitage Security was referred by Jamie McAinsh and Flowers on the Mill by John Lamont.
If you have referred any new members, please ensure you advise Jeni at the office so your name appears in the newsletter and you go into the September draw.
SPBA & SYP Trivia Night
Join the Shoalhaven Professional Business Association and Shoalhaven Young Professionals Annual Trivia Night.
A fun social event that stretches your imagination and you don’t even have to be a trivia buff – the brains trust is the table of knowledge you are joining.
Date: Thursday 19 May 2016
Time: from 6pm
At: Bottle Rocket, Kinghorne Street, Nowra
Cost: Buy your own drinks. SPBA pays for the Trivia and the munchies.
Registration is very important – tables to be organised and trivia registration to be paid by SPBA prior.
To register – simply email
Stars of Nowra – Dance For Cancer
‘Stars of Nowra – Dance For Cancer’ is a brand new event for Cancer Council NSW and it has so far been successful in communities such as Wollongong.
This fantastic event now comes to Nowra for the very first time, where we are aiming to raise over $30,000 to assist in the fight against cancer.
Our 9 community ‘Stars’ including Loz and Todd from Power FM will work with a professional dance instructor over the coming weeks to learn a dance and then perform on the night in front of a panel of judges and an appreciative audience at the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre.
Where: Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre
Tickets: $75 per ticket ($700 for tables of 10)
6:30pm Drinks and Canapés (until 7:45pm)
7:45pm Show (until 10:00pm)
* drinks and food can be purchased at own expense after 7:45pm
* black tie event
* contact Terry Deegan or 0410 843 205 for further information
Understanding Autism. A valuable business proposition.
Vicky Little (Autism Spectrum Australia) is running a seminar aimed to equip you with the knowledge and tools to confidently employ and manage individuals with autism in the workplace.
When: Friday 13th May 2016 11.00am –2.30pm
Where: The Committee Room, Nowra Showground
Cost: Free – Brought to you by the National Disability Coordination Officer Programme
Register: Here
Other: Enjoy a complimentary light lunch and opportunity to network with your peers. (Please advise any dietary requirements to